8. J. Corbett (USA)






8. 1. Three theater companies


In a very big house are lodging three theater companies.




8. 2. Lying bodies

We are evacuating a manufacturing company dealing with colored powders. Packs are all around the kind to ship with 1600 – 1800 ships. Poor light, dark environment.
Bodies of men and women in a sort of elegant, somehow mediaeval costumes are lying, most likely asleep, but somehow in too much order.


REVE 3-1


REVE 3 - 2



8. 3. Big slope

Using railroad got unpleasant because passengers were keeping there the feet in relaxing position in most unexpected places. Into and from station there it was a vertical passage.

Later into a house we meet young students. It may be possible that they have had also a doctor with them.

Now we descend with a car a big slope. I drive the car with my feet on the ground and I am able to keep the car under control. However we heard that a girl did died into a car accident on the same slope.

Al sequences of dream 3 are under heavy natural light or direct sun.



Picture labels :

DS – dream slide
VS – Very Large Array Slide – outcome of hybrid dreaming post processing techniques
HS – Helios Slide – enhanced VS using outside direct human environment data for hybrid processing

Time stamp is using US convention: MM-DD-YEAR

Dream 3 image “Dream3_VS12_20_08” is obtained from data from a dream narration of 12 20 08. It was processed about 7 PM Eastern Time, when in other part of the globe the time was 12 21 08. I am attaching it to the dream 3 because it seems to be part of the dream 3 incubation.

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