6 H - Ero su una spiaggia, di sera, poco dopo il tramonto, mare calmo.
Vedevo molte persone vestite con un saio rosso vivo, il cappuccio tirato su.
Io non ero tra loro.
Pensavo che fosse una situazione strana, esotica, non mi faceva paura.
Queste persone erano in piedi, disposte in un grande cerchio.
Al centro del cerchio ardeva un grande fuoco, le fiamme erano molto alte, come una fontana.
Al centro del fuoco, in sospensione, c’era la terra che fluttuava.
Version française (traduction Babelfish)
J'étais sur une plage, le soir, peu après le coucher de soleil, avec une mer calme.
Je voyais beaucoup de personnes vêtues avec un "vivant" sagum* rouge, le capuchon rabattu.
Je n'étais pas parmi eux. Je pensais que c'était une situation étrange, exotique, mais cela ne me faisait pas peur.
Ces personnes étaient pieds-nus, disposées dans un grand cercle.
Au centre du cercle brûlait un grand feu; les flammes étaient très hautes, comme une fontaine.
Au centre du feu, en suspension, il y avait la terre qui flottait.
* Terme d'antiquité. Vêtement de guerre, court et ne passant pas les genoux, que portaient les Romains.
English version (Prompt translation)
I was on a beach, in the evening, little after the setting, calm sea.
I was seeing many persons dressed with a living red sagum, the hood drawn on.
I was not between them.
I was thinking that it was a strange, exotic situation, it was not scaring me.
These persons were in feet, arranged in a great circle.
In the centre of the circle it was burning a great fire, the flames were very high, like a fountain.
In the centre of the fire, in suspension, it was the land that was fluctuating.
Marta Milanesi
[email protected]
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