European association

for the study of dreams

(International association founded in 1987)

Function and activities


The history is fertile in narrative and testimonies on dreams : physical activity and virtual reality whose humanity have always recognised the importance.
If in the course of a long eclipse mankind cut all ties with his dream life, the emergence of a new paradigm today appeal the integration of our inner and exterior lives.
To tie the threads uniting both faces of our existence - diurnal and nocturnal - and to give to the dream its right place within a complete and integrated life, in drive with its deep sources, the EASD set oneself the target of the exploration and the show off of the dream activity, which means :

- Promote awareness and appreciation of dreams in the general public as well as within the scientific community.
- Regularly share - with other members of the association and with the public in general - discoveries concerning dreams and the many ways of exploring them.
- Implement different dream research projects, in an interdisciplinary perspective which respects human and animal rights.



Coordinating organization between dreamworkers within the European Union, the EASD (European Association for the study of dreams) has organized four european conferences devoted to the study of dreams, to which the congress in Germany having given place to the creation of association is added.

• 1987 : GERMANY. «From ordinary dreams to lucid dreams», 31st October 1987, Psychologishes Institut der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt am Main.

• 1988 : GREAT-BRITAIN. «Physiology of dreaming and dream creativity», 8th October 1988, at the Institute of psychiatry, in London.

• 1989 : FRANCE. «Rêve, santé et société», 6th, 7th and 8th October 1989 at Ventabren.

• 1990 : BELGIUM. «Dream and altered states of consciousness», 31st August, first and second of September 1990, at the University of Mons.

• 1994 : LUXEMBURG. «Dream andor Reality» 15/16th of October 1994, at the hotel Ibis in Le grand duché de Luxembourg.

The current activities of the EASD come within the scope of the construction of the European Union and they aim at working out a true «European Dream».
Using virtual space, the short-term objective of the EASD is to set up the essential links between the onirophiles pertaining to the 15 european countries. With this intention, the EASD places at the disposal of each european country a space on Internet, managed freely in the national plan.
But Europe is not only partitioned by the different nations that compose it, it is also cut by its different linguistics areas (French-speaking, English-speaking, German-speaking, Spanish-speaking, etc.).
It is the reason why, insofar as English obviously the vernacular language, each national european space finds itself managed both in English and in the national language.
It should be noted that some linguistic regroupings can take place beyond the european borders. For the French-speaking area, for example, this regrouping will be able to include France, Wallon Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec.



On July 2006, the EASD headquarters, previously in Belgium, have been transferred in France, at Oniros, the french branch of the EASD.
For information, go to ONIROS association or email to the webmaster : Roger Ripert

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