PD 1982 PD 1990 PD 11 PD 1996 PD 1997
PD 1999 ALCHERINGA 2000 PD 2000
PD 10
    PD 12    

French version




Rêve planétaire AN11/Planetary dream YEAR11


Solstice d’hiver/Winter solstice

Night of the 21st to the 22nd of December 2011
(and nights of the 20th to the 21st and the 22nd to the 23rd)

Nuit du mercredi 21 au jeudi 22 décembre 2011
(et nuits du mardi 20 au mercredi 21 et du jeudi 22 au vendredi 23)

N-B. : the winter solstice will take place precisely on December 22 at 5 hours 29 minutes, in Universal time

See the file : SOLSTICES (in french)


Recall of the previous dreams

See WIKIPEDIA (in french)

1982 : "The Dream World"
1990 : "Dreaming for the Earth"
1996 : "The Law"
1997 : "The Gathering"
1998 : "Flying (transcendence)"
1999 : "Death and rebirth"
2000 : "The Alternative"
2001 : "Radiance"
2002 : "The Way : trusting your dreams"
2003 : "Peace : with myself and others"
2004 : "The Climate warming (Greenhouse effect)"
2005 : "The Earth cry"
2006 : "Dreaming on a planetary scale"
2007 : "Dreaming without borders and without walls"
2008 : "To bring the social before the ego"
2009 : "Back to the Dream Time and climate nightmare"
2010 : "Dreaming together"



Click to widen the image

Illustration by Susanna Ripert



More information about it (in french)


Instructions to the dreamers

In order to succeed the induction of the Planetary Dream 2011 it is advised for the participants to follow the classical rules for dream incubation (volontary induction of specific dream contents) and to practice it during 3 nights. See the page : The incubated dream

1. During the day and before going to sleep, become immersed in the call for the planetary dream.

2. Just before you fall asleep and in state of relaxation :

- Think to recall your dreams;

- Induce your dreams through a clear and precise formulation like :
«This night, in my dreams, I shall be clear-sighted, like the owl.»

3. When you wake up, record your dream as accurately as possible, whatever the content is.
Give the dreams a title and date (specifying the time.
Add your comments and illustrations, if possible, well separated from the crude story of the dream.

4. Send your dreams as soon as possible, before the 31st of December 2011 :

- either by email to : [email protected]
- by postal mail : Oniros, Chitry Mont Sabot, 58190 - Neuffontaines, France

Planetary dream composition

All the nominative dreams sent by email will be recorded on the Net to form a specific dream journal, "The dream world", dated 20th to 23 rd of December 2011, which all the participants will be able to read on the site Oniros

N.-B. - For the credibility of the "Planetary dream", the incubated dreams must be nominative, dated, and sent with an address.


The Dream world

20th to the 23rd of December 2011



1. Susanna Ripert (Chitry Mont Sabot, France)

1. 1 Chien noir dans le désert

1. 2 Maquette du mont Ararat


2. Roger Ripert (Chitry Mont Sabot, France)

2.1 Pigeon, chats, guêpes et araignée-frelon

2.2 Aménagement de l'ancien appartement de mes parents

2.3 Rassemblement autour de l'agriculture biologique


3. Juhani Kääriäinen (Suède)

The payment


4. Alzarine (France, Corbigny)

Veiller sur le feu


5. Marius (France)

(Manque de) clairvoyance médicale ?


6. Didi (Québec)

Début de construction d'une maison


7. Françoise (Besançon, France)

La pluie


8. Simon (Bretagne, France)

Cadavre sur la route et spectacle étrange dans une cathédrale


9. Marie-José (Haute-Savoie, France)

9. 1 La clairvoyance de mon esprit veille et me protège

9.2 L’homme qui m’observe


10. Lucile (Haute-Savoie, France)



11. Pascale D. (France)

11.1 Rencontre amoureuse

11.2 Un homme


12. Alain Donnaint (France)

Le combat de boxe


13. Binh Minh (Ile dela Réunion)

13.1 Bébé et l'inondation

13.2 Un énorme buffet

13.3 Le lave-vaisselle

13.4 Vol aérien et comptes à rendre


14. Caroline (Ile dela Réunion)

14.1 Cours de danse et vaisselle

14.2 L'achat d'un pull


15. Michelle Nadeau (Longueuil, Québec)

15.1 L'homme et la croix

15.2 Le kimono

15.3 Portraits de famille


16. Harry Bosma (Pays-Bas)

Reviewing the playing field

(Le terrain de jeu revisité)


17. Hanny Lynch (Pays-Bas)

Eye rinsing


18. Jo Harthan (Angleterre)

Four hatchlings but one is dead


19. Suzanne van Doorn (Pays-Bas)



20. Hallfridur Ragnheidardottir (Reykjavik, Islande)

Integrating Medusa


21. Vincent (Ile de la Réunion)

21.1 - Lunettes, enfants et problème de parking

21.2 - Chasse à l'homme et pêche aux crocodiles


22. Carole (Québec)

22.1 - En ville, trois hélicoptères et trois chiens

22. 2 - Un emballage

22.3 - Un piano porteur de portraits de femmes

22.4 - Vies de couples

22.5 - Picotine va se marier