17. Jan (USA)
17.1. Three Birds, Jack's City and The Rebirth of Darkie
5 H 30 (Pacific Standard Time - Minus 8 GMT Time).
I dream that I am in a building that houses mentally handicapped children. As
I walk around a part of me recognises many of the people and many of the patients
refer to me as Dr... I tell them that I don't have time right now. I feel as
if I am trapped and that the people that run this office are trying to hide
something. Then I begin thinking that these people are being experimented on
in areas of psychic activity by the government. I think that I will try to find
a way to help people out, but "they" suddenly know my intentions, and the whole
thing is foiled. Then I leave. This all took place in an office building in
a downtown area. The building was abut 12 stories. I leave to find my family.
I drive down the road to a city with a man (my soulself). He is pointing out
our dream city to me. We are traveling in a vehicle that resembled a saucer
with an odd steering device. It moves by the will of the driver. He is definately
in control of the vehicle, but while he gets distracted with the scenery around
us I reach up and steer for a brief stint. It takes a few moments for him to
realize what's happening. I know that he thinks I can't steer the vehicle, but
I am grinning from ear to ear because I did. No matter what he thought I was
ready for, I pushed the envelope and steered, albeit briefly. He is letting
me look at the scenery while I send out tendrils of myself to feel the area.
I notice 2 large towers, like powerline towers. I notice that one of them has
a beanstalk around it. It is huge. I say that it reminds me of what I would
expect the beanstalk Jack climbed to look like. He agrees, and prods me into
the thought that I have created this hallucination, and that it is real and
not real, that we have created this city, and it to is real and not real. The
beanstalk is real enough for me to see/feel and enjoy, but it is not physical.
I am enamoured with the leaves. They are huge, probably 15-20 feet long by about
12-15 feet wide, and of the most beautiful lush healthy deep green. I notice
that the other tower has nothing on it. Then I notice a tree in the distance
on the top of a hill. This thing is sooooo huge and sooooo massive, it makes
the Sequoias of Kings Grove seem small!!!! The trunk has a diameter of about
50-feet (~17 m). It goes upward about 200 feet (~75 m) and then branches off
into about 9 large branches (about the size of the trees at Kings Grove) to
a hieght of about 450-500 feet(~180 m) !!! and there is a small community there.
I know people are living there. I want to see it but I know that I don't have
time because I have to meet my family. I am a little dissappointed because I
have to leave and meet my family. I am suddenly with my mom and gramma near
Waco, Texas. I tell them of my visit to the plae with te mentally handicapped
people and what I think. They want to see it but they don't really think that
anyone would be so rude. Then I decide that I am going back in, but the building
has changed into an old woodedn compound where the project was relocated after
it was nearly discovered by others. Suddenly I am inside in a room with my son
D'Artagnon. I tell him that I am sorry we've been stuck in here for two years,
but that I have a plan. Richard, my youngest son, has been kept in this closet
for the two years we've been in captivity. I tell D'Artey that if he will break
the double paned glass windows with his shoulder and fall to the ground that
I can get Rich out of the closet and throw him. I am certain he will look a
mess as he's been in there for two years. Likely skin and bone, if not dead.
D'Artey agrees and I begin to walk toward the closet. As I reach the closet
the door flies open and Richard comes jumping out, full of energy and excitement.
I am happily suprised and more determined than ever to get out of there. I let
Richard in on our plan, but we have decided not to break the window as he is
safe. Rich and I walk into the kitchen and there are 7 people at a table. A
woman is at the head of the table. In front of her is a compartmentalized box,
like a take these pills on M-T-W-etc. box, but of about a 1/2-cup capacity,
filled with various spices (not herbs). I see that there is pepper in the compartment
nearest to me. I think that I will grab the spices, especially thje pepper,
and maybe make a bit of a smokescreen while the boys get away. Richards telepathy
is impeccable and we know excactly what we are going to do. As soon as we telepathically
verify our plan I look into the eyes of the woman at the end of the table...
She knows our exact thoughts and I feel and see amusement from her. She then
grabs a smal scoop (~1/8 cup) of pepper. She is humorously smiling at me, looking
me in the eye, and she says "Let's see her figure the symbology for this one
out" and she tosses the pepper on the floor in a way that you might feed hens
cornmeal. I awake.
I have 3 birds that I am indefinately "birdsitting". They are parakeets, one
green, one light blue and gray, the other dark blue and gray. When I uncovered
them in the morning my dark blue budgie was not acting at all well. I talked
to him but he could barely open his eyes. I have never been able to hold these
birds. They came from a noisy family with 3-4 young children around at any given
time and don't easily trust people. My dark blue continued to get worse as the
day progressed. Occasionally I would have to shoo the other birds away from
him because they were pecking at him. I felt like it was his time. I kept talking
to him, and he recognised me, but that was it. In the afternoon I went to the
cage and he was on the floor. I opened the lower cage door and he hobbled over
to me. I held out my hands and he hopped right into them. I sat on the floor
with him. I petted his beautiful feathers and tried to keep him warm. He eventually
climbed up my body and snuggled between my hair and my neck to keep warm. He
even pecked lightly at my face a little. I was deeply saddened because although
I don't approve of keeping birds in cages and would not go out of my way to
buy any, I always try to keep new toys and treats handy for them. As I sat there
feeling a little despondant about the situation I recalled my dream. I then
began to piece the story together. Me, D'Artey and Richard were playing the
roles of the birds in my dream... I think... for the birds have been captive
since birth, I have had them for a year now, and Becky had them for about a
year. The birds had been cooped up for about 2 years. And the Pepper ? Well,
every time I looked at the dark blue bird I would think of pepper because of
the patterern of dark black gray and white of his wings. Every time I cleam
the cage I think of pepper when I scrape their waste up... and about a week
before any of this happened I had fed them and thought that I would throw some
food across their middle bench... I had done this in exactly the same fashion
as the woman in my dreams had spread the pepper. So, long story short, my bird
passed. I did my best to ease the transition for him, as my beliefs said not
to let him go it alone. I did my best to empathically communicate, and feel
I succeeded. Based upon my other dreams of animals recently, I have no doubt
that this is a valid communication from my feathered friends. I will miss Darkie
(the others are Lighty and Chico), but I feel a deep saddness for their existence.
I do believe that strongly interactive relationships can be built with birds,
but I feel that these guys had no chance. I do try to entertain them, and I
know that they entertain me, but it all feels so limiting. If they reallly feel
the way that I did in my dream then perhaps I am doing them a disservice...
but the other option is an existence elsewhere (like maybe Australia where they
belong !!!!). This happened on the Solstice, and as a sign of the birth of light
I feel that Richard jumping out of the closet so full of light, life and energy
is what happened to Darkie... just as Stubby went into the tree. Love.
Version française
Trois oiseaux, la CitŽ de Jack et la renaissance de Darkie
Je rve que je suis dans un Ždifice qui hŽbergeait des enfants handicapŽs mentaux. Alors que je marche dans les alentours une part de moi reconnait plusieurs des personnes et plusieurs des patients rŽfrent ˆ moi en tant que Dr...Je leur dis que je n'ai pas le temps prŽsentement. Je sens comme si j'Žtais piŽgŽ et que les gens qui font fonctionner ce bureau essayaient de cacher quelque chose. Ensuite je commence ˆ penser que ces gens sont ˆ expŽrimenter dans une zone d'activitŽ psychique par le gouvernement. Je pense que je vais essayer de trouver le moyen d'aider ces gens ˆ en sortir, mais soudainement "ils" savent mes intentions, et tout est bousillŽ. Ensuite je pars. Cela Žtait logŽ dans un Ždifice ˆ bureau au centre ville. L'Ždifice comportait 12 Žtages environ. J'ai quittŽ pour retrouvŽ ma famille. J'ai conduit jusqu'ˆ une ville avec un homme (mon soi). Il m'indique une ville de rve. Nous voyageons dans un vŽhicule qui ressemble ˆ une soucoupe volante avec un Žtrange mŽcanisme de direction. Il bouge par la volontŽ du conducteur. Il est difinitivement en contr™le du vŽhicule, mais quand il est distrait par les paysages autour de nous j'y arrive et m'y dirige pour une courte limite. Cela lui prend quelque temps pour rŽaliser ce qui arrive. Je sais qu'il pense je ne ne peux conduire le vŽhicule, mais j'ai le sourire fendu jusqu'aux oreilles parce que je l'ai fait. Peut importe ce qu'il pense je suis prt pour, j'ai poussŽ l'enveloppe et j'ai conduit, bien que brivement. Il me laisse regarder le paysage durant que j'envoie des vrilles de moi-mme pour sentir alentour. Je note 2 grandes tours, comme les pil™nes Žlectriques. Je note qu'une d'elle a une tige de haricot tout autour. C'est Žnorme. Je dis que cela me rappelle que je devrais m'attendre ˆ ce que la tige de haricot ressemble ˆ celle que Jack avait grimpŽ. Il est d'accord, et m'aiguillonne sur l'idŽe que j'ai crŽŽ cette hallucination, et que c'est rŽel et non rŽel, que nous avons crŽŽ cette ville, et elle aussi est rŽelle et non rŽelle. La tige de haricot est assez rŽeele pour moi pour sentir/ressentir et apprŽcier, mais ce n'est pas physique. Je suis Žpris des feuilles. Elles sont immenses, probablement 15-20 pieds de long par 12-15 pieds de large, et du plus magnifique vert foncŽ luxuriant sain. Je remarque que l'autre tour n'a rien sur elle. Ensuite je remarque un arbre sur le dessus d'une colline au loin. Cette chose est tellement Žnorme et massive, les sequoia du Kings Grove sembleraient petits!!! Le tronc a le diamtre d'environ 50 pieds (~17 m). Il monte ˆ environ 200 pieds (~75 m) et ses branches ont l'ampleur de 9 largeurs de branches (environ la grandeurs des arbres du Kings Grove) pour une hauteur d'environ 450-600 pieds (~180 m) !!! et lˆ il y a une petite communautŽ. Je connais des gens habitant lˆ. Je veux la voir mais je sais que je n'ai pas le temps parce que j'ai ˆ rencontrer ma famille. Je suis un peu dŽu parce que j'ai ˆ partir et rencontrer ma famille. Je suis soudainement avec ma mre et ma grand-mre prŽs de Waco, Texas. Je leur raconte ma visite ˆ la place avec les handicapŽs mentaux et ce que je pense. Ils veulent le voir mais ils nepensenent pas que personne ne puisse tre si malhonnte. Ensuite je dŽcide que je vais y retourner, mais l'Ždifice a changŽ en une vieille enceinte en bois o le projet a ŽtŽ relocalisŽ aprs qu'il a ŽtŽ dŽcouvert par d'autres. Soudainement je suis ˆ l'intŽrieur d'une pice avec mon fisl d'Artagnon. Je lui dis que je suis dŽsolŽ que nous soyons restŽs ici pour deux ans, mais que j'ai mon plan. Richard, mon plus jeune fils, a ŽtŽ gardŽ dans cet cabinet pour les deux ans que nous avons ŽtŽ en captivitŽ. Je dis ˆ D'Artey que s'il casse le double vitrage de verre de la fentre avec son Žpaule et tombe au sol ainsi je pourrais sortir Rich du cabinet et le lancer par la fentre. Je suis certain qu'il doit tre en piteux Žtat d'avoir ŽtŽ lˆ pendant deux ans. La peau et les os, s'il n'est pas mort. D'arty est d'accord et je commence ˆ marcher vers le cabinet. Comme j'atteins le cabinet la porte s'ouvre subitement et Richard en sort en sautant, plein d'Žnergie et d'excitation. Je suis heureusement surpris et plus dŽterminŽ que jamais de sortir de lˆ. Rich et moi allons ˆ la cuisine et il y a lˆ 7 personnes ˆ table. Une femme est ˆ la tte de la table. En face d'elle est une bo”te compartimentŽe, comme les piluliers, mais d'une capacitŽ 1/2 tasse, remplie avec diverses Žpices (pas des herbes) Je vois que c'est du poivre dans le compartiment le plus proche de moi. Je pense que je prendrai les Žpices, spŽcialement le poivre, et peut-tre faire un rideau de fumŽe durant que les garons se sauveront. Richard en tŽlŽpathie est impeccable et nous savons exactement ce que nous faisons. Aussit™t que nous vŽrifions tŽlŽpathiquement nos plan je regarde dans les yeux de la femme au bout de la table... Elle sait exactement nos pensŽes et je sens et vois de l'amusement de sa part. Elle prend une petite mesure (~1/8 t) de poivre. Elle me sourit avec humour, me regardant dans les yeux, et elle dit " Voyons voir son dessin symbolique pour celle-ci" et elle lance le poivre sur le plancher de la mme manire qu'on nourrit les oies avec du ma•s. Je me suis rŽveillŽ.
17.2. Passionflowers
7 H 30 (PST) - The phone rings. It is my girlfriend Cayce calling. I'm not up yet, and am concerned about loosing my dreams. I feel them slipping away except for one which concerned my friend Cayce. I begin babbling it to her :
I had just taken her to the shop. We got out of the car and in front of us, by the sign posts, are 2 passionflower vines. One of them has about 20-25 blossoms, about half of which needed to be pinched off as they were past their prime. The other plant had about 20-25 unopened buds on it.
My girlfriend begins screaming on the other end of the phone... Saylor (her daughter) had just bought her a gift set of Passions perfume for Christmas. One at $25.00 and the other at 1/2 price, so $12.50. We assume that the flowers were my symbolism for perfume. That the fragrance was called Passions is also pretty cool. The packaging has Passionflowers on it.
Jan Hart: [email protected]
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