In order to succeed the induction of the Planetary Dream 2009, it is advised for the participants to follow the classical rules for dream incubation (volontary induction of specific dream contents) and to practice it during 3 nights. See the page : The incubated dream 1. During the day and before going to sleep, become immersed in the call for the planetary dream and its theme.
2. Just before you fall asleep and in state of relaxation :
- Immerse yourself in the visual support above for the induction *
- Induce the dream through a clear and precise formulation such as : «This night, in my dreams, I will go back to the Dream Time»
3. When you wake up, record your dream as accurately as possible, whatever the content is.
4. Send your dreams as soon as possible, before the 31st of December :
Planetary dream composition
All the nominative dreams sent by email will be recorded on the Net to form a specific dream journal, "The dream world", dated 20th to 23 rd of December 2009, which all the participants will be able to read on the site Oniros
N.-B. - For the credibility of the "Planetary dream", the incubated dreams must be nominative, dated, and sent with an address.
The Dream world